Friday, November 16, 2012

"The True Religion"

Text: James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.

Intro; The bible informs us that man was created in the image of God. The bible also mentions that when the man God created fell into sin, he did not entirely ceased to be the image bearer of the Most High.
The seed of religion is still present in all men, though their sinful nature constantly react against it.
Missionaries from all around the globe testify to the presence of religion in some form or another among all nations and tribes of the earth.
For it is one of the most greatest blessings of mankind, though many are they that denounce it as a curse. Not only does it touch the deepest springs of a man’s life, but it also controls his thoughts and feelings and his desires.
I. But just what is religion?
a. It is only by the study of The Word of God that we can learn to know the true nature of religion. Thus, according to the Philologist Max Muller, the root of the English word “religion” derives from a Latin word “religio”.  ”Whaaat, a Latin word in the bible?” Yes! And not from any word that is found in the original Hebrew or Greek manuscripts. In Galatians 1:13-14 reads For ye have heard of my conversation in times past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: And profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.
b. The Old Testament defines religion as the fear of The Lord. Now, this fear is not a feeling of dread, but of reverent regard for God akin to awe, coupled with love and confidence. This was the response of the Old Testament believers to the revelation of the Law which was given by Moses on God’ behalf.
c. In the New Testament religion is a response to the gospel rather than to the law, and assumes the form of faith and godliness or holiness. In light of the Scriptures it teaches to understand that religion is a relationship which man stands to God, a relationship which man is conscious of the absolute Majesty and infinite Power of God. Its mans understanding of his own utter insignificance and absolute helplessness. This word religion can also be defined as a conscious and voluntary relationship with his Creator, which in terms expresses himself in a grateful worship and loving service. This manner of this religious worship and service is not left to the arbitrary will of man, but is determined of God himself.
II. The Seat of Religion
a. As one writer mentioned that, there are several wrong ways to view respecting the seat of religion in man. Some think of religion primarily as a sort of knowledge and try to locate it in the intellect. Some people regard it as a kind of immediate feeling of God. These are they that try to find the seat of religion in the fleshly feelings. Others up hold that it consist most of all in moral activity and refers it to the will. And all these views are one-sided and are contrary to the Scriptures in fact, teaches us that religion is a matter of the heart!!!
b. For the heart (the mind) is the central organ of the soul! Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. Religion involves the whole man, his intellect, his emotions, and his moral life. This is the only view that does justice to the true nature of religion.
III. The Origin of Religion
a. There was a particular attention that was devoted during the last fifty years to the problem of the origin of religion. Their repetitive attempts were made to give a natural explanation of religions origin, and were unsuccessful. Some spoke of it as an invention of cunning and deceptive priests, who would regard it as an easy source of revenue and now this explanation is entirely discredited now. And others held that it began with the worship of lifeless objects, or with the worship of spirits like the spirits of forefathers.
b. Above and beyond there is no explanation, since the question remains, how did people ever hit upon this idea of worshiping of lifeless or living objects? Yet, still others were of the opinion that religion originated in nature-worship, in that the worship of the marvels and powers of nature, even in the wide-spread practices of magic.
c. Although these theories do not explain any more than the others how none-religious man ever became religious. They all start out with a man who is already religious by heart. They just need the put it in the right perspective, Amen!
conclusion; The bible gives the only reliable source of the account of the Origin of Religion.
It informs us of the existence of the One True God, the only object of worship, worthy of a true religious worship in Spirit and in TRUTH! Moreover, the bible tells us the assurance that God, whom man could never discover with his natural intellectual powers, revealed Himself to us in nature and especially in His Divine WORD. He demands the worship and service of man through Jesus Christ, which is well pleasing to God. The Scriptures also teach us that God created man in His own image and thus endowed man with the capacity to understand to respond to this revelation and engendered in him a natural urge to seek communion with his CREATOR and to glorify Him. For this is “The True Religion” Thank You Jesus, Amen!

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