Sunday, May 30, 2010

Foundation And Retaining Wall

This is a Concrete Pump Truck used to pour in places Mixer Trucks aren't able to. In this particular site we just got done pouring a retaining wall and the pump just had moved from it's original location to be able to reach the set of footings next to the retaining wall and it had been said this also is a retaining wall section and we are about to pour one of the foundation which is called the footings. And the footing is the first to be poured before the wall and this footing will be the part that holds as an anchor for the wall and it is massively large and will be heavy. It will take an estimate of 50+ yards of concrete to fill this footing. Very heavy foundation just to hold this hill side from sliding out of place. One yard of concrete weighs  around 4,000lbs. x 50+ yards of concrete= roughly about 20,000 plus lbs. Now thats not including the weight of the wall which will be poured usually in a couple of days.

 Heres a picture of the footings we are going to pour down below. After they pour this out they'll probably pull the forms out in the morning. As you could see the walls towards the back left side of the picture. Those forms there  will probably be used on this side of the footings.

My assigned Rig parked awaiting the pump to finish setting up. It usually takes 10-mins.

1 comment:

Proverbs 16:24 (King James Version)
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

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