Saturday, May 29, 2010

Slow Day Jobs

At times when it's slow and there's no concrete orders they The Company) would have me drive a Haul Truck or nicknamed the cat wagon or yuke truck, Rock Truck, what ever others want to call it this vehicle is so huge, well not as it's bigger class this in particular is a 769C Haul Truck weighing about 50-Tons a lot of weight I tell you. It's tires are taller than me and I'm 5'-8" tall. There are six of these tires on this vehicle. It is a two seater for training purposes. I haul anything from pit runs to compost stock pile plant materials just about any thing. This is a rain or shine type job. I enjoy this job a lot this also is one of the company's plant out in Enumclaw, WA. off of Hwy-410 East. 

My co-workers say they don't like this job because it's hard and rough riding and tough on the back bone and to top it off they say it's a boring job but take it from my experience, the job is a blessing in many ways. Just looking at it from behind the wheel is a different story. I enjoy this job because of it's rewards like off- roading, driving through thick slippery muddy terrains, being on top of mountains and the roads are challenging fun and exiting. It feels like riding a boat on wheels sort of speak but, it also has it's dangers of sinking, flipping over, blowing a tire on these is like a bomb blowing up. I can really say this job in enjoyable and adventurous now the guy saying its a boring job are the one's home wondering for there next meal. I thank God for this job and the goodness of the Lord. 

The Bible says this;   2 Thess 3:10 (K.J.V.
For even when we were with you, this wecommanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.  So as for this job this has been a blessing for me and my family. It's not my job I trust in. It is God alone. He takes care of all my needs amen... 

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Proverbs 16:24 (King James Version)
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

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