Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just To Share

This Development is where I had poured at yesterday June 01, 2010. I took some photo's of the general area and as you'll see here later down below, this is a beautiful condo site right by Lake Washington in Renton. Very unique three story Condo's. They have nice modern color's, nice surroundings. Most of all the price is up there they price out at about $300,000.- $400,000, this area is a high class volume of upper class job like Boeing, Ken-worth co. Executives etc.

Waiting for my turn to pour at the pump. At this time the day is cloudy and very cool for the finishers pouring this slab is a breeze for them.

These guy's also are our regular customer so we give them the best service possible.

They get the job, they make the order, therefor we deliver where ever they need mud. It all works out. Things just come together as they are to be.

Like I said, when the finisher get the job by winning the bid through a builder they order the mud through ether a sales person or a concrete dispatcher, the dispatcher schedule's the drivers start time or load time and we have a job. There are more to this but just simplifying part of the reasons we take care of our regular customers. Yes, I understand some people are not thankful towards others but when all is said and done, when they put food in there mouth surely a person deep down inside can not deny he did it all by himself, for no man is an Island unto himself. And thats a fact. So we appreciate our customer.

This is the slab we are pouring for them. Some people call it flooring. And after this we're told they have a footing to pour to somewhere in the development. Now not all pours have the luxury of a pump truck on site, there are times when we have to hang our shoots up on what we call tailgating and even that is easy. Sure it is heavy when your tired towards the end of the day but look at those guy that don't have jobs like this. Having to jump into a ditch full of thick mud with a pick and shoveling and I'm not saying that jobs like that are bad in fact some guy like working hard core for there money like I said, this mixer driving job is a wonderful job if your not distracted by means of wanting to do something else or trying to be the guy that only wants pump jobs all day and nothing else matters and I know people like that and they don't last on any job and i mean any job. These days a lot of company's of all sorts are not tolerating people with attitude uplifted among co-workers and there superior.  You must be willing to bend when the wind blows or else, you'll break !!!

Here I'm waiting for my turn to pour and I had some time to take some photo's and also had some time to polish some chromes and the two front wheels. 
I thank God Almighty for my job and I appreciate it greatly especially for my family which looks up to me to provide for them. 
This Job to me is wonderful in many ways. 
My co-workers are very friendly and very responsible towards each other and as far as safety is concern they are very careful and helpful in many ways as a team.

I am backed up to the pump pouring out now and when I am done I will be washing down and heading back to whatever plant dispatcher would like for me to go. 

I'm back at one of our plant located in Federal Way, WA. According to the manifest paper works I'll be going back to the same job in Renton, WA. called Barbee Hills off of Lake Washington Boulevard. This is a nice drive back there I'll be in route N. Bound I-5 to 405 N


Half way through my second load here I'm told we'll be moving to a footing down the road aways in the development with the pump.

I took some photo's along the way to the footing job and like I said you know it is really nice in this area.
I'm driving up on the T section and already it looks really nice by the waterfront.

This is the footing site and we are going to start, I hope this will be able to inspire someone who is thinking about changing career or someone who use to drive and just needs to be re-inspired I hope it will be a blessing for anyone out there.  

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Proverbs 16:24 (King James Version)
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

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